We live in a world of trending hashtags...
Hashtags asking for justice...
Justice for Zainab,
Justice for Noor,
Justice for abc...
It's a new hashtag every other day...
An appeal for justice,
A cry for help,
An awakening from the deep slumber...
Will we ever wake up?
Will we ever be able to stop this violence against women?
Will we ever be able to protect our children, our minorities?
Or there will always be a plethora of hashtags...
People do raise their voices,
people do stand up for the rights of victims,
There are vigils,
It's all in vain...
Will we ever be able to provide justice to all these hashtags?
Or they'd bury themselves as silent hashtags...
Who'd threaten us,
warn us,
to stand up.
to act.
to speak up.
Will we ever see a world with no hashtags?
but, justice, peace, equity.
Will we ever wake up in a world where Justice prevails?
Will we ever listen to these hashtags?
Or there will be another hashtag?
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