What does a human want?
Some rights.
Some opportunities.
A freedom.
A liberty.
A choice.
To make decisions for oneself.
To stand up for fundamental rights.
To raise voice against injustice.
Are women human?
A human possesses rights.
Rights to live their lives without being harassed or killed or buried.
A right to education,
To earn livelihood,
To choose a partner,
To travel safely without the fear of being raped,
A human, certainly, has choices.
To think,
To speak,
To act.
Are women human?
A human enjoys opportunities that are offered.
To avail educational benefits,
To choose a career,
To get equal pay for equal work,
To follow their dreams,
To break the shackles,
Are women human?
A woman is a human.
A woman wants her rights,
Rights that are your privileges,
Rights that she's being deprived of since the very beginning.
Rights that belong to her.
A woman wants fundamental human rights.
Beautifully highlighted and demanded... 💝