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Showing posts from November, 2021

"Conversations with the moon"

The moon and I talk to make it through the night.  The gloomy night that haunts me with the memories.  Memories of you, memories of us.  The moon and I suffer from the distance.  The distance that separates us.  I yearn for your presence, right beside me.  Conquering the distance.  The moon and I share the secrets.  The secrets that belongs to my heart.  I share the happy moments of togetherness.  When we weren't miles away.  When there were no oceans and mountains between us.  When I could feel your touch,  Your warmth.  When we could hold hands for hours.  The moon and I cry for your longing.  In a dark grey sky.  Hoping to see the rainbow.  Hoping to see You.  Hoping to have conversations with the moon, together, for eternity.